2010-11 D-III women's basketball regional rankings

NCAA Division III regional rankings from the D3hoops.com archives. Records are in-region record, followed by overall record:


Through Jan. 30
1. Kean 14-0 17-2
2. Mount St. Mary 17-2 17-2
3. William Paterson 15-3 16-3
4. Gallaudet 16-0 18-0
5. Richard Stockton 12-5 13-6
6. Baruch 15-3 16-3

Through Feb. 6
1. Kean 16-1 19-3
2. Mount St. Mary 18-2 18-2
3. William Paterson 17-3 18-3
4. Gallaudet 17-0 19-0
5. Richard Stockton 14-6 15-7
6. Baruch 16-3 17-3 

Through Feb. 13
1. Kean 16-1 20-3
2. Mount St. Mary 20-2 20-2
3. William Paterson 18-3 19-3
4. Richard Stockton 16-7 17-7
5. Baruch 19-3 20-3
6. Gallaudet 18-1 20-1 

Through Feb. 20
1. Kean 19-1 22-3
2. Mount St. Mary 23-2 23-2
3. William Paterson 20-3 21-3
4. Baruch 20-4 21-5
5. Gallaudet 21-2 23-2
6. Mary Washington 18-5 20-5

Through Feb. 27, Selection Sunday
1. Kean 19-2 22-4
2. Mount St. Mary 25-2 25-2
3. William Paterson 22-3 23-3
4. Baruch 22-4 23-5
5. Gallaudet 22-3 24-3
6. Richard Stockton 16-9 17-9 


Through Jan. 30
1. Medaille 17-2 17-2
2. Rochester 12-4 14-4
3. Geneseo State 13-1 15-2
4. New Paltz State 11-5 11-7
5. Oneonta State 14-2 15-3
6. Cortland State 13-4 13-4

Through Feb. 6
1. Medaille 19-2 19-2
2. Rochester 14-4 16-4
3. Geneseo State 16-1 18-2
4. Cortland State 14-4 14-4
5. Ithaca 14-3 15-5
6. Oneonta State 15-4 16-5 

Through Feb. 13
1. Rochester 15-5 17-5
2. Medaille 20-2 20-2
3. Geneseo State 17-2 19-3
4. Ithaca 16-3 17-5
5. Cortland State 17-4 17-4
6. Oneonta State 16-5 17-6 

Through Feb. 20
1. Rochester  17-5 19-5
2. Geneseo State 20-2 22-3
3. Medaille 21-3 21-3
4. Ithaca 18-4 19-6
5. Oneonta State 18-5 19-6
6. Keuka 21-2 22-2 

Through Feb. 27, Selection Sunday
1. Geneseo State 23-2 25-3
2. Rochester 18-5 20-5
3. Medaille 22-4 22-4
4. Keuka 23-2 24-2
5. Ithaca 19-5 20-7
6. Oneonta State 20-6 21-7


Through Jan. 30
1. Amherst 18-1 19-1
2. Williams 17-1 19-1
3. Babson 17-0 19-0
4. Bowdoin 15-3 15-4
5. Western Connecticut 14-2 16-3
6. Bates 14-4 16-5
7. Eastern Connecticut 13-4 13-6
8. Colby 12-4 14-4
9. Southern Maine 13-4 13-6
10. Tufts 14-3 15-3

Through Feb. 6
1. Amherst 21-1 21-1
2. Bowdoin 18-3 18-4
3. Babson 19-0 21-0
4. Colby 15-4 17-4
5. Williams 17-3 19-3
6. Western Connecticut 15-2 17-3
7. Bates 15-5 17-6
8. Southern Maine 14-5 14-7
9. Eastern Connecticut 15-4 15-6
10. Tufts 14-5 15-5 

Through Feb. 13
1. Amherst 23-1 23-1
2. Bowdoin 20-3 20-4
3. Colby 18-4 20-4
4. Williams 18-4 20-4
5. Babson 21-0 23-0
6. Western Connecticut 17-2 19-3
7. Bates 15-6 17-7
8. Tufts 16-5 17-5
9. Southern Maine 15-6 15-8
10. Eastern Connecticut 17-4 17-6 

Through Feb. 20
1. Amherst 24-1 24-1
2. Bowdoin 21-3 21-4
3. Colby 19-4 21-4
4. Williams 19-4 21-4
5. Babson 23-0 25-0
6. Western Connecticut  21-3 21-3
7. Eastern Connecticut  18-5 18-7
8. Bates 15-7 17-8
9. Tufts 17-6 18-6
10. Southern Maine 16-7 16-9 

Through Feb. 27, Selection Sunday 
1. Amherst 26-1 26-1
2. Bowdoin 22-4 22-5
3. Colby 19-5 21-5
4. Williams 19-5 21-5
5. Babson 25-0 27-0
6. Western Connecticut  23-3 23-3
7. Eastern Connecticut  20-6 20-8
8. Bates 15-7 17-8
9. Tufts 17-6 18-6
10. Salve Regina 23-3 25-3 

Great Lakes

Through Jan. 30
1. Thomas More 18-0 19-0
2. Denison 17-0 19-0
3. Calvin 13-0 17-3
4. Hanover 16-1 17-1
5. Hope 15-1 18-1
6. St. Vincent 15-2 17-2

Through Feb. 6
1. Thomas More 20-0 21-0
2. Hope 17-1 20-1
3. Calvin 14-1 18-4
4. Denison 19-0 21-0
5. Hanover 18-1 19-1
6. DePauw 14-1 18-3 

Through Feb. 13
1. Thomas More 22-0 23-0
2. Hope 19-1 22-1
3. Calvin 15-1 19-4
4. Denison 21-0 23-0
5. Hanover 20-1 21-1
6. DePauw 17-2 20-3 

Through Feb. 20
1. Thomas More 24-0 25-0
2. Hope 22-1 24-1
3. Denison 23-0 25-0
4. Hanover 22-1 23-1
5. Calvin 17-1 21-4
6. DePauw 19-2 22-3 

Through Feb. 27, Selection Sunday
1. Thomas More 27-0 28-0
2. Calvin 20-1 24-4
3. Hope 24-2 26-2
4. Denison 26-0 28-0
5. Hanover 24-1 25-1
6. DePauw 22-2 25-3 


Through Jan. 30
1. Lebanon Valley 15-1 18-1
2. Johns Hopkins 16-3 16-3
3. Juniata 14-3 14-6
4. Widener 13-4 14-5
5. Messiah 11-4 12-6
6. Scranton 12-3 14-5 

Through Feb. 6
1. Lebanon Valley 19-1 20-1
2. Juniata 16-3 16-6
3. Johns Hopkins 17-4 17-4
4. Gettysburg 15-5 16-5
5. Messiah 12-4 13-6
6. Widener 14-5 15-6

Through Feb. 13
1. Lebanon Valley 21-2 21-2
2. Juniata 17-3 17-6
3. Johns Hopkins 19-4 19-4
4. Gettysburg 17-5 18-5
5. Messiah 14-5 14-6
6. Muhlenberg 17-5 17-5 

Through Feb. 20
1. Lebanon Valley 23-2 23-2
2. Juniata 19-3 19-6
3. Johns Hopkins 20-4 20-4
4. Messiah 18-5 18-6
5. Muhlenberg 19-5 19-5
6. Gettysburg 18-6 19-6 

Through Feb. 27, Selection Sunday 
1. Lebanon Valley 25-2 25-2
2. Juniata 21-3 21-6
3. Johns Hopkins 21-5 21-5
4. Muhlenberg 21-5 21-5
5. Messiah 19-6 19-7
6. DeSales 19-8 19-8


Through Jan. 30
1. Greensboro 17-0 18-0
2. Christopher Newport 16-2 18-2
3. Louisiana College 15-1 17-1
4. Randolph-Macon 14-2 14-4
5. Roanoke 11-3 11-4
6. Texas-Dallas 15-4 16-4

Through Feb. 6
1. Greensboro 20-0 21-0
2. Christopher Newport 17-2 19-2
3. Louisiana College 16-1 18-1
4. Randolph-Macon 17-2 17-4
5. Bridgewater (Va.) 15-3 17-3
6. Texas-Dallas 16-4 17-4 

Through Feb. 13
1. Greensboro 22-0 23-0
2. Louisiana College 19-1 21-1
3. Christopher Newport 18-3 20-3
4. Bridgewater (Va.) 17-3 19-3
5. Randolph-Macon 17-4 17-6
6. Maryville (Tenn.) 20-2 20-4 

Through Feb. 20
1. Greensboro 23-1 24-1
2. Louisiana College 21-2 21-1
3. Christopher Newport 20-3 20-3
4. Randolph-Macon 19-4 19-3
5. Maryville (Tenn.) 21-2 17-6
6. Bridgewater (Va.) 20-3 20-4 

Through Feb. 27, Selection Sunday 
1. Christopher Newport 23-3 25-3
2. Greensboro 25-2 26-2
3. Louisiana College 23-3 25-3
4. Randolph-Macon 22-4 22-6
5. Howard Payne 20-7 21-7
6. Roanoke 19-7 19-8 


Through Jan. 30
1. Illinois Wesleyan 12-3 15-4
2. UW-Stevens Point 18-2 18-2
3. UW-Whitewater 13-3 16-3
4. Chicago 15-3 15-3
5. Washington U. 12-2 15-3
6. Millikin 14-4 14-5

Through Feb. 6
1. Illinois Wesleyan 13-3 16-4
2. UW-Stevens Point 19-2 19-2
3. UW-La Crosse 16-5 17-5
4. UW-Whitewater 13-5 16-5
5. Chicago 17-3 17-3
6. Washington U. 14-2 17-3 

Through Feb. 13
1. Illinois Wesleyan 15-3 18-4
2. UW-Stevens Point 21-2 21-2
3. UW-Whitewater 15-5 18-5
4. Chicago 19-3 19-3
5. UW-La Crosse 17-5 18-5
6. Wisconsin Lutheran 19-3 20-3 

Through Feb. 20
1. Illinois Wesleyan 17-3 20-4
2. UW-Stevens Point 23-2 23-2
3. UW-Whitewater 17-5 20-5
4. UW-La Crosse 18-6 19-6
5. Chicago 21-3 21-3
6. Washington U.  17-3 20-4 

Through Feb. 27, Selection Sunday 
1. UW-Stevens Point 25-2 25-2
2. Illinois Wesleyan 20-3 23-4
3. UW-Whitewater 18-6 21-6
4. UW-La Crosse 19-7 20-7
5. Chicago 22-3 22-3
6. Washington U. 17-4 20-5 


Through Jan. 30
1. Coe 16-2 17-2
2. Lewis and Clark 11-2 15-4
3. Simpson 15-2 17-3
4. St. Benedict 14-3 16-3
5. Wartburg 16-3 17-3
6. Puget Sound 12-3 15-4

Through Feb. 6
1. Coe 18-2 19-2
2. Chapman 12-3 18-4
3. Simpson 15-3 17-4
4. Lewis and Clark 12-3 16-5
5. Wartburg 18-3 19-3
6. Puget Sound 14-3 17-4 

Through Feb. 13
1. Coe 19-3 20-3
2. Chapman 14-3 20-4
3. Lewis and Clark 14-3 18-5
4. Simpson 16-4 18-5
5. Wartburg 19-3 20-3
6. George Fox 13-3 18-5 

Through Feb. 20
1. Coe 21-3 22-3
2. Lewis and Clark 16-3 20-5
3. George Fox 15-3 20-5
4. Chapman 14-3 20-5
5. Simpson 18-4 20-5
6. Wartburg 20-4 21-4 

Through Feb. 27, Selection Sunday
1. Coe 23-3 24-3
2. George Fox 17-3 22-5
3. Chapman 16-3 22-5
4. Lewis and Clark 17-4 21-6
5. Simpson 19-5 21-6
6. Concordia-Moorhead 21-6 21-6