Signor-Brown resigns from Swarthmore

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According to an article The (Philadelphia) Inquirer, Candice Signor-Brown has resigned from her position as Swarthmore's head women's basketball coach, ending an investigation into a sexual assualt allegation during her term as Vassar's head coach.

Signor-Brown came to Swarthmore in August 2019 to lead the Garnet women's basketball program after 10 seasons in the same position at Vassar College. In July 2020, a former Vassar player alleged in an anonymous Instagram post that Signor-Brown assaulted her in a hotel during a December 2011 road trip. Following that post, Swarthmore players called for Signor-Brown's removal, citing other abusive behavior including demeaning comments and pressure to play while injured. 

Swarthmore's initial investigation found Signor-Brown made a "serious error in judgement" during her time at Swarthmore, but did not remove her from her position. Swarthmore reached out to the former Vassar player who initially declined to speak, but eventually filed a complaint with Swarthmore.

That triggered an external investigation by a Philadelphia law firm which was ongoing when Signor-Brown resigned on Aug. 26, citing personal reasons for the decision. According to The Inquirer, the preliminary draft of the investigative report stated that Signor-Brown denied the assualt allegation but acknowledged kissing the former player. Swarthmore will close the investigation since neither Signor-Brown nor the former Vassar player are affiliated with the College.

As reported in The Inquirer article, Swarthmore's webpage lists Dawn Grant as the Garnet's interim head coach during the 2021-22 season. Grant was the head coach at nearby Delaware County Community College.

Signor-Brown was a two-time All-American at Marymount. As Vassar's head coach, Signor-Brown went 159-106 and led the Brewers to the NCAA tournament four times.