Hoopsville: Good or Great?

To interact with Hoopsville

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Audio Podcast

Each show is available as an audio-only podcast shortly after the show goes off the air. Click below to listen or download the show from SoundCloud. You can also subscribe and listen to the podcast on iTunes here.

First semester finals may have started, or about to start, but that hasn't stopped the action on the hardcourt from being formidable. Even the first winter storm of the season didn't stop the games on the East Coast.

On Sunday night's episode of Hoopsville, Dave tries not to scratch his hair out as he and guests try and decipher the action of the past few nights and week. While the women seem to have settled in this week, the men's side continues to produce results that make things more complicated. Are there any great teams in Division III?

It just may be too early, still, to really know.

Hoopsville is presented by D3hoops.com and airs from the WBCA/NABC Studio. You can watch the show On Demand in the videp player above. There is also the podcast version located to the right.

You can also send your questions to the show and have them featured on the Hoopsville Mailbag segment. Email them to hoopsville@d3hoops.com.

Guests include (in order of appearance):
- Carissa Sain Knoche, Chicago women's coach
- Brian Morehouse, No. 8 Hope women's coach 
- Dan Raymond, Ithaca women's coach
- Jeff Brown, No. 2 Middlebury men's coach
- Matt Goldsmith, TCNJ men's coach