Hoopsville: The Undefeateds

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The season has started fast and for some teams they still haven't lost. Not unexpected for some, maybe completely unexpected for others.

And there was a big battle between #1 and #2 in Division III men's basketball on tap! 

On Thursday's edition of Hoopsville, Dave was back in studio and talked to some of the teams who find themselves without a loss, but probably still with plenty of questions that remain unanswered. Many of the teams are nationally ranked, but one of the teams finds itself undefeated and receiving narry a point in any of the Division III polls.

Also on Thursday's edition, Dave will talked LIVE with both Amherst and Babson head coaches after not only a rate No. 1 vs. No. 2 regular season battle, but another thrilling double-overtime game between the two. Both coaches took the time to chat after the game.

You can watch Hoopsville On Demand or listen to the podcast. You can find both down below.

Guests included (in order):
- Bob Amsberry, No. 8 Wartburg women's coach
- Amy Reed, Rochester Tech women's coach
- Landry Kosmalski, No. 22 Swarthmore men's coach
- Jon VanderWal, No. 3 Marietta men's coach
- Dave Hixon, No. 1 Amherst
- Stephen Brennan, No. 2 Babson men's coach

This is most likley the last Thursday edition of Hoopsville before the holiday break (due to D3football.com coverage of Gagliardi Trophy and Stagg Bowl next week and proximity of Christmas the following week). The Thursday edition of the show will return January 5, 2017 - but stay tuned if we change our minds in two weeks.

Audio Only Podcast:

You can also listen to the podcast on iTunes here.