Hoopsville: Semi Super Show

More news about: Guilford | Rutgers-Newark | SUNYIT | UW-La Crosse

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The Hoopsvillle Marathon Show certainly covered a lot of teams and it gave us a chance to talk to a number of teams across the country. However, we haven't covered everything. And since the Super Bowl is scheduled for tonight, we figured we would help your pregame festivities by talking some basketball, not hoops.

Today on a Semi-Super edition of Hoopsville, Dave McHugh talked to several teams who are leading their conferences or hoping to wrestle control back in their favor. With just two weeks left, for most, to position themselves for the conference playoffs, there is plenty still to play for.

Sunday's show aired at a special time, 1 p.m. ET, but the archive can be watched below along with the podcast. Also, don't forget about the Hoopsville Fundraising campaign. We are able to do the show and expand our coverage because of contributions from around the country.

Guests included (in order of appearance):
- Joe Loughran, Rutgers-Newark men's coach
- Ken Koelbl, UW-La Crosse men's coach
- Jessica Skelton, SUNY Poly women's coach
- Stephani Flamini, Guilford women's coach
- Danielle Donehow, WBCA Executive Director - WBCA Center Court 

Audio Only Podcast:

You can also listen to the podcast on iTunes here.